Kamy logotyp

Kamyar Alinejad

— Multitasker, Philantropist, Baller —

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Kamy at work


With extensive knowledge and experience in starting, executing and developing social projects within the fields of humanitarian aid, integration and development in better understanding of racial and socioeconomic tensions in society, I come as a supliment to the work that is ever changing. My past resume brings experiences from starting new NGO's to working with internationally established NGO's such as Save the Children.

Rings on water


Through our parlimentarism in the heart of the swedish government and all the way down to municipal level, our swedish democracy takes shape in form of elected positions through out the public institutions. With experiences from being an elected official and being an engaged citizen in organisations and in societies comes a network and understanding of the needs in the general public.

Football in action


I am as nerdy, passionate and keen as ever to smell the fresh grass and be present in the game. The commitment is bigger than just in tecnical terms as the philosofical aspect of the game and the transcultural aspect that allows football to touch peoples hearts all over the world, that makes it as special as it is. My playing days are long gone and with an UEFA A diploma in my bag, you'll see me on the bench today, refered to as "the gaffer".

Front end

Html 5 CSS 3 JavaScript

Join me on my journey, where I decided to mix things up in terms of career development. I have decided to become a Front end developer with the long term goal of becoming a Full stack developer. For the next two years I'll be attending the Front end program at Grit Academy with the ambition to make a mark for myself in the IT sector.


My academic background is in the social sciences and more precisly within the anthropological, ethnographical and political science field. My core academic skills in active participation, documentation and research are greatly representet in my previos works.

Höj Rösten!

I'm an alumni of the Stockholm based political program 'Höj Rösten!' which emphasizes on identifying the talent and prospect of the future political agents in Sweden. The program includes members from political candidates from left to right and engages its participants in solving hands on policy issues.


Graduated the managerial Uefa Advanced diploma for football coaches. This was a one year education in colaboration between the Swedish Football Association and the University of Halmstad.

Article 1

Knights helmet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem natus necessitatibus quas ut doloremque itaque recusandae ducimus nisi illum maxime?

Article 2

Knights helmet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis suscipit animi sunt provident consequuntur! Harum facilis repudiandae tempora ullam distinctio. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, incidunt.

Article 3

Knights helmet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate suscipit porro quisquam numquam voluptas velit iure? Quos quas iure a?

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